"Christ gave us a prayer to guide us in praying to the Father; and upon this model our own Liturgy is strictly formed" - St. John Henry Newman
The Sacraments
So many options for so many churches that are all a walking distance away from campus
Mass Times
St. Paul Cathedral
108 N Dithridge St, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Sunday: 6 PM (Saturday vigil), 6:30 AM, 10 AM, 12 PM, 6 PM
Monday-Saturday: 8:15 AM, 12:05 PM
The Pittsburgh Oratory
4450 Bayard St, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Sunday: 4 PM (Saturday vigil), 9 AM, 11 AM, 4 PM, 9 PM
Monday-Friday: 7 AM, 5:15 PM, 9 PM (no Friday 9 PM)
Saturday: 10 AM
Holy Spirit Byzantine
4815 Fifth Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Sunday (Divine Liturgy): 11 AM
Friday: 7 PM
CMU Wright Rogal
5032 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Monday: 5:15 PM (only during the school year)
Heinz Chapel
S Bellefield Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Wednesday: 9 PM (only during the school year)
Confession Options
St. Paul Cathedral
108 N Dithridge St, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Friday & Saturday: 12:45 PM
The Pittsburgh Oratory
4450 Bayard St, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Monday–Friday: 12–1 PM, 4–5 PM
Saturday: 12–1 PM, 3–4 PM
Sunday: 2–4 PM
Holy Spirit Byzantine
4815 Fifth Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Monday & Friday: 6-6:45 PM
Saturday: 5-5:45 PM
CMU Wright Rogal
5032 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Monday: 4:45 PM (on announcement basis)
Divine Office & Devotions
St. Paul Cathedral
108 N Dithridge St, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Angelus: 12 PM (Monday–Saturday)
Stations of the Cross (Lent): 12:45 PM (Wednesday), 7 PM (Friday)
The Pittsburgh Oratory
4450 Bayard St, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Adoration: Perpetual
Benediction: On hiatus during renovations
Solemn Vespers: 5:15 PM (Sunday)
Stations of the Cross (Lent): 4:30 PM (Friday)
Holy Spirit Byzantine
4815 Fifth Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Rosary: 10:25 AM (Sunday)
Third Hour / Terce: 10:45 AM (Sunday)
Vespers: 6 PM (Saturday), 7 PM (Monday)