We are very blessed to have the Oratorian Fathers, FOCUS missionaries, and our fellow classmates on the Exec board that support our club and help build a wonderful community.
See Our People
We are very blessed to have the Oratorian Fathers, FOCUS missionaries, and our fellow classmates on the Exec board that support our club and help build a wonderful community
Pittsburgh Oratory Assoc.
The Oratorian Fathers, serving as campus ministers for Carnegie Mellon, Pitt, and Chatham universities, work alongside a dedicated Campus Minister to foster community life at the Newman Center. Together, they create a vibrant and welcoming community shaped by the Oratory's mission.
FOCUS Missionaries
Our campus is fortunate to have FOCUS missionaries, who serve students by leading Bible studies, discipleship groups, retreats, and community events.
Exec Board
The CMU Newman Club's Executive Board, composed of current students, plays a vital role in leading the club and representing their peers. Members are elected annually after the first semester, with the next election date TBD.